Cisco’s Sales Hierarchy

10X Increase In Planning Efficiency For A $50B Company

  • Cisco, Sales Hierarchy
  • Background
  • The Solution
  • Benefits

Cisco, Sales Hierarchy

Cisco, Sales Hierarchy

When Cisco wanted to gain automation efficiencies for their new Fiscal Year planning, they turned to LINEN Cloud for an innovative solution.


A complex $50B business with 180,000+ sales territories globally, multiple acquisitions that are $1B+ businesses in revenue and a network of 70,000+ partners, the landscape is as multi-faceted as could be. Yet, Sales and Finance planning call for a high degree of agility and nimbleness, especially during Annual Planning cycles.

Cisco's "Sales Hierarchy", a rollup of thousands of sales territories, is the backbone of bookings, revenue,P&L reporting, compensation, analytics and forecasting.

The hierarchy feeds both internal as well as external reporting. A Sales Hierarchy is a relationship-based tree-like structure that tightly links and represents Geographies (local and global), Segments, Business Units and other lenses that make up the composition of a company's business operations and their go-to-market(GTM) strategies.

Cisco previously collected this information via a legacy spreadsheet, manually collating 180k+ sales territories that needed to be translated into the new fiscal year GTM strategies. This effort was cumbersome and time-consuming, taking over 1 week of manual effort during the fiscal year end.

The Solution

LINEN Cloud provided an efficient and secure solution on the cloud, replacing a manual process and updating the sales hierarchy in under 3 hours. This resulted in a 10x efficiency in completion time with significantly improved data accuracy.


  • 10x efficiency in planning completion time via automation
  • Cloud application that can be used by operation teams worldwide
  • Scalability for a variety of use-cases to feed Reporting, Forecasting and Analytics
  • Guaranteed accuracy & auditability with a rule-based engine replacing spreadsheet-based mapping efforts
  • Faster GTM, with a versatile & flexible rules engine to accommodate changes in your business
  • Intuitive and easy to use cloud application for business users, including Sales Operations and Finance Controllers

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